Santa Fe Institute and cutting off turtle heads

I just arrived in Santa Fe yesterday for a 4 week (!) summer school on complex systems. Just one day has passed and it’s already impressive to see what the other people are doing / working on. Especially for a statistician having so many people to talk about their scientific problems and what problems they face with their experiments / simulations / data is very fascinating; a great resource of interesting problems to work.

Participants are from a wide variety of fields; some obvious (given where complexity science started from) such as Unlike antidepressants for depression, they viagra tadalafil don’t have side effects. Driver education online is offering unlimited tablet viagra opportunities to people. The new rule disallows issuers from basing immediate rate increases on these kinds online buy viagra of infractions by requiring 45 days’ notice for all significant changes in the account terms. Note: – you need to cialis on line take this pill under the tongue until it dissolves completely. physics, computer science, economics/finance, evolutionary biology – other fields not so obvious but at least as interesting such as paleontology, tax evasion and fraud detection, literature/linguistics and – yes – statistics (I am the only statistician / machine learning person here).

And if in the ‘student introduction’ session one student starts with “I am a PhD student in neuroscience and we study neural signal transmission in turtles after cutting off their head …” — I mean if that’s just the first day, how great will be the next 4 weeks 😉